
Launch Your Legal Career

Be the driving force in the quest for equal justice. Take your place alongside us at the Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino, where we stand strong for vulnerable residents who rely on your compassion and support. LASSB wholeheartedly embraces a work culture rooted in unwavering advocacy, profound respect, the celebration of diversity and inclusion, client-centered defense, unfettered access to justice, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence in representation. Your commitment can be the catalyst for positive change in the world of justice and equality. Join us today.
Why Choose LASSB for Your Legal Career
The Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino presents diverse career pathways for legal professionals, paralegals, dedicated support staff, and those pursuing impactful fellowships. Additionally, we provide paid internship opportunities to law students during the summer season. Join us in our mission to make a difference through the power of the law.

For well over six decades, LASSB has been unwavering in its dedication to empowering and serving the most vulnerable among us. If you're in search of an organization that places clients at the forefront, champions the cause of justice, bolsters our communities, and drives impactful change, then the Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino is your ideal destination! Our dynamic and diverse team comprises attorneys, paralegals, and support staff, all working tirelessly to provide equal access to justice for those who need it most. Join us in our mission to create a brighter and more just future for all.

Join Us For Our Annual
Access to Justice Celebration!

Thursday, February 27th, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM PST