About Us

Angelica Sandoval

Why I work at Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino:

I love the challenge of the legal field. One cannot become bored working in this field since each client has different needs and distinct case factors. Additionally, the law and legal procedures continually change. But most importantly, I love helping people in their quest to correct wrongs. I love helping others discover that despite any limitations, they can learn to and take steps to right things that have gone wrong.

Professional Background:

I have worked in data entry, educational offices, and as a teacher. Upon moving to California, I started working for an attorney and volunteering for Legal Aid. I worked for some very prominent attorneys, but soon realized so many people could not afford to hire an attorney, despite the depth of their legal issues. In 1994 I accepted employment at Legal Aid. I very much enjoyed, and still enjoy, working with clients to help resolve their problems. But I was asked to take over administration, so for the past 16 years I have served as the grant writer and grant administrator, while also assisting with clients.

What else do I love?

My family and friends, music and singing, reading, and the gracious love of my Heavenly Father.